The Artistic path-Criticism

In the world of instant gratification, many artists post their work for online or (at a show) ask for what you think of their work.  Then the slightest negative opinion sends them thru the roof. 
My feeling is..don't post or ask what we think of your work or learn how to deal with criticism.  If you are posting you are looking for likes,  thumbs up or hearts from your followers and friends. That is in itself an opinion. You are essentially asking people what they think and do they like it. 

The question is.....What do you think.....Honestly! 
 It is a true representation of your talents?
Is the story you were attempting to convey, clear to the viewer?
Are they criticizing you or the piece? 
Is it constructive and can you see it from their perspective? 

If you are a new artist perhaps your skill and techniques are not up to par with your contemporaries. Are your story or concept clear, or is it so abstract that it is muddled.
Not everyone will like what you create, don't take it personally. 
Constructive criticism makes you see your work thru another set of eyes. look!


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