The Artist path-Less perfection, more authenticity.

Perfection is like the muse. It doesn't exist. So striving for perfection is the handicap we, as the artist, inflict upon ourselves. 

Once again we need to look at art in the 2 categories, the craft and the art. We can perfect our craft, but there is no perfect art. Confused? OK, so the techniques can be perfected, watercolor washes, drawing, or sewing,or silver smithing. Than the craft is applied to your art. Anyone can perfect a craft thru repetition. This is built on doing , making mistakes , do it again. 

Creative paper clay over a Styrofoam ball, and painted pearl eyes
  Because of this repetition you get better, after time you can master it. But once you add the an artistic concept to the craft, it changes and is no longer perfect. 
        And since art is as much mental as physical, it will never be perfect because we as humans are not perfect. Our brains keep exploring, attaching small bits of information we absorb to current thoughts. We can think in the abstract. Abstract by definition is not perfect. So why do we think we can create a perfect piece of art. Because non artist are critical of our talent and we listen to them. 
Stop...Don't thrive for perfection, strive for authenticity...Be the best you, you can be... Create your voice, your expression, your art. 

How its That simple
  • Go to the studio and work. Make more work. Sketch more,  model more, paint more. 
  • Instead of endlessly picking apart one project call it finished and move on. Learn the mistake and you will get better. 
  • Create rituals for yourself as a way of triggering your body into starting your work. If your hand begins the process, shortly after, your mind will follow.
  • Don't compare yourself to established artist. Look at their early work when they were still becoming who they are. 


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