Preparing to show your work/ Part 5 essentials credit card readers

Now how are customers and collectors going to pay for your creation?  Cash- yes people still pay with cash. So remember a cash bank.
        Most of your collectors will pay by credit cards so you will need a credit card reader.

Credit card reader

 These are devices that attach to your mobile device and allows you to accept credit cards on the go.  All credit card readers need to be ordered in advance and set up with your bank so you can accept payments directly into your account. There are a few card readers, most popular is the Square, Etsy reader, PayPal , and intuit.  Each will give you the ability to have credit card purchasing but each are a little different so do a little research and pick the best for you business. If you have an Etsy shop the Etsy reader may be the best for you.

REMEMBER you need to have a mobile device with internet access to use these devices. So be prepared, ask the show organizer if there is Wi-Fi access or set it up on your mobile device.


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