Business of being an Artist

There are two hats we wear as Artist.
The creative hat of the Artist, 
And the less fun hat of the business person.
They are both equally important.  
Even if you have a business partner that will take care of the business aspects, you, the artist still have responsibilities.  
  • Establish a website and shop
    •  This is the your professional face on line.This can also be where your shop is, or a separate shop on a site like ETSY. 
  • Keep up your FREE social media. This is were you get to be less business like and more personal, more artistic. 
    • You can hire someone at an extra expense (ask your relatives) or do it your self. Make time once a week to sit down for a half hour and update 
    • Pick 2 or 3 platforms to post.  I use Blogger-free, Facebook-free, Pinterest-free, twitter-free, Instagram-free. 
    • Use tags and labels on each post and photo! That is how the internet builds your visibility. 
This is a good article for starting on social media ,  


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