Artistic Path-Don't let the bastards get you down

Perseverance may the right word for this post, I am am writing specifically about one experience. Most artist have had it.
When you submit your work for a show or guild, and not only do you not get in, but the critique of your works is bias and frankly not encouraging. 
Since 2012 When I thought I may good enough to publicly show my work, I submitted to dozens of shows, magazines and organizations. In an effort to get the genre out of the craft market and into the art market, I always to punch above my weight. 
I know a famous actress that never reads reviews, because, " if you believe the good ones you have to believe the bad ones also."
In a recent submission, Out of the ten people reviewing my work, only one thought it was worthy(with reservation) , the others contradicted each other in what was wrong with my work. One went critique went on to say it "wasn't art"! (They may want to talk to the two Art galleries that were showing my work this year.)  
I read them and started to cry. Than I got mad. After a few days, I read them again and made a list of  the  points I agreed with and those I didn't. I could work on valid critique, and the others well that's just their opinion. 
I was down, I felt defeated, Now I am back in the studio, doing my art work. I wont let the bastards get me down . Anger is a motivator, if used to create and not destroy. 


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